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Requirements document update.

   My sincerest apologies for sitting on this for so long.  I've appended an
annotated version of the requirements document from the discussions at the
July IETF meeting in Stockholm.  I have also started a "WTS documents" page


You can retrieve the original draft, the slides used at the July meeting,
the annotated version (as included here) and a version without the
annotations.  EIT's proposal is also listed.  I've not linked the page into
the main document tree yet.

Please discuss any changes that need to made to this document on the
<www-security@nsmx.rutgers.edu> mailing list.

Simon Cooper,
Systems Coordinator,
Rutgers University, Network Services.
INTERNET-DRAFT                                                G. Bossert
Expires XXX, 199n                                  Silicon Graphics Inc.
                                                               S. Cooper
                                                             W. Drummond
                                     Rutgers University Network Services
                                                           October, 1995

                 Requirements for Web Transaction Security

[This section: "Status of this Memo" was not present on the slides.  It is
 internet-draft boilerplate]

   Status of this Memo

     This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
     documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
     areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also
     distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.  Distribution of
     this memo is unlimited.

     Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
     months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
     documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use
     Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than
     as ``work in progress.''

     To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
     the "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
     Shadow Directories on ds.internic.net (US East Coast),
     nic.nordu.net (Europe), ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast), or
     munnari.oz.au (Pacific Rim).
[Slide 1: The working group suggested a one word change to this section.  It
 has been marked with @{ }]

     This document specifies the requirements for the provision of security
     services to the HyperText Transport Protocol.  These services include
     confidentiality, integrity, user authentication, and authentication
     @{certification} of servers/services, including proxied or gatewayed
     services.  Such services may be provided as extensions to HTTP, or as
     an encapsulating security protocol.  Secondary requirements include
     ease of integration and support of multiple mechanisms for providing
     these services.
[This section: "Introduction" was not present on the slides, I've not edited
 it from the original document. Obviously HTTPSec needs to be changed to
 something more appropriate.  WTS is the name of the group -- should it also
 be used when referring to the protocol?]

   1. Introduction
     The use of the HyperText Transport Protocol [1] to provide
     specialized or commercial services and personal or private data
     necessitates the development of secure versions that include
     privacy and authentication services.  Such services may be
     provided as extensions to HTTP, or as encapsulating security
     protocols; for the purposes of this document, all such
     enhancements will be referred to as HTTPSec.
     In this document, we specify the requirements for HTTPSec, with
     the intent of codifying perceived Internet-wide needs, along with
     existing practice, in a way that aids in the evaluation and
     development of such protocols.
     HTTPSec is an enhancement to an object transport protocol.  As
     such, it does not provide independent certification of documents
     or other data objects outside of the scope of the transfer of
     said objects.  In addition, security at the HTTPSec layer is
     independent of and orthogonal to security services provided at
     underlying network layers.  It is envisioned that HTTPSec may
     coexist in a single transaction with such mechanisms, each
     providing security services at the appropriate level, with at
     worst some redundancy of service.
[Slide 2: No modifications to this slide were suggested]
   1.1 Terminology
     This following terms have specific meaning in the context of this
     document.  The HTTP specification [1] defines additional useful
        A complete HTTP action, consisting of a request from the
        client and a response from the server.

     Gatewayed Service:
        A service accessed, via HTTP or an alternate protocol, by the
        HTTP server on behalf of the client.

        An specific implementation of a protocol or related subset of
        features of a protocol.

[Slide 3: Most of the discussion revolved around this slide.  I have
 included the original followed by the suggested replacement.  There are
 still some outstanding issue with regard to this slide.]


   2. General Requirements
     HTTPSec must provide the following services:
      o Confidentiality of the HTTP transaction.
      o Authentication of the server/service.
      o Authentication of the client/user.
      o Integrity of the HTTP transaction.
     These services must be provided independently of each other.

     In addition, HTTPSec should conform to a number of secondary

      o Ease of integration with other features of HTTP.
      o Support of multiple mechanisms for the above services.
     These services and additional requirements are discussed in more
     detail in the following sections.

   2. General Requirements
     WTS must define the following services.  These services must be
     provided independently of each other.
      o Confidentiality of the HTTP transaction.
      o Peer entity authentication of the server and/or service.
      o Peer entity authentication of the client and/or user.
      o Data origin authentication and integrity of the HTTP transaction.
      o Non-repudiability of the transaction
      o Freshness of integrity and authentication.
      o Ease of integration with other features of HTTP.
      o Support of multiple mechanisms for the above services.
      o Support the needs of proxies and intermediaries    
<Allan M Schiffman <ams@eit.com> said he had other issues that should 
 be here and he would provide.  Allan?>
<There was also a request for discussion at what level were multiple
 mechanisms to be supported.>
<I also have an action marked for "labeling".  I no longer remember what
 this was about.  I think the issue was raised by the gentleman sitting next
 to Allan Schiffman during the working group>
[Slide 4: The note on my slide says to junk this slide]
   3. Confidentiality
     HTTPSec must provide confidentiality of the HTTP transaction, via
     encryption of the HTTP messages.
     The entire HTTP transaction must be considered private; thus, the
     HTTP headers and data objects of client requests and server
     responses must be confidential.  Note: because the identity of
     the object being requested is potentially sensitive, the URI/URL
     of the request should be confidential; this is particularly
     critical in the common case of form data or other user input
     being passed in the URL.
[Slide 5: The slide contained slightly different text to the original
 document, I've marked up the original, the slide and the replacement.]


   4. Service Authentication
     HTTPSec must support the authentication of the HTTP server to the
     HTTPSec should support the authentication of gatewayed services
     to the client.
     HTTPSec should support the authentication of the origin HTTP
     server or gatewayed services regardless of intermediary proxy or
     caching servers.
     To allow user privacy, HTTPSec must support service
     authentication without user authentication.
     Because the identity of the object being requested is potentially
     sensitive, service authentication should occur before any part of
     the request, including the URI of the requested object, is
     passed.  In cases where the authentication process depends on the
     URI (or other header data) of the request, such as gatewayed
     services, the minimum necessary information to identify the
     entity to be authenticated should be passed.

   4. Service Authentication
     WTS should support the authentication of gatewayed services to the
     WTS should support the authentication of the origin HTTP server or
     gatewayed services regardless of intermediary proxy or caching servers.
     To allow user privacy, WTS must support service authentication without
     user authentication.
     Because the identity of the object being requested is potentially
     sensitive, service authentication should occur before any part of the
     request, including the URI of the requested object, is passed.  In
     cases where the authentication process depends on the URI (or other
     header data) of the request, such as gatewayed services, the minimum
     necessary information to identify the entity to be authenticated should
     be passed.

   4. Service Authentication
     WTS should support the authentication of gatewayed services to the
     WTS should support the authentication of the origin HTTP server or
     gatewayed services regardless of intermediary proxy or caching servers.
     To allow user privacy, WTS must support service authentication with
     user anonymity.
     Because the identity of the object being requested is potentially
     sensitive, service authentication should occur before any part of the
     request, including the URI of the requested object, is passed.  In
     cases where the authentication process depends on the URI (or other
     header data) of the request, such as gatewayed services, the minimum
     necessary information to identify the entity to be authenticated should
     be passed.
[Slide 6: The slide contained HTTPSec changed to WTS and a single word
 change.  The changes are marked as @{ }.]
   5. User Authentication
     WTS @{HTTPSec} must support the authentication of the client @{user} to
     the server.
     WTS @{HTTPSec} should support the authentication of the client to
     gatewayed services.
     WTS @{HTTPSec} should support the authentication of the client to the
     origin HTTP server regardless of intermediary proxy servers.
[Slide 7: No changes except for HTTPSec changed to WTS, marked as @{}]
   6. Integrity
     WTS @{HTTPSec} must provide assurance of the integrity of the HTTP
     transaction, including the HTTP headers and data objects of both
     client requests and server responses.
[Slide 8: HTTPSec changed to WTS, marked as @{}.  
 Allan M Schiffman <ams@eit.com> wanted to reword/add text (marked <>)]

   7. Integration 
     In order to support integration with current and future versions
     of HTTP, and to provide extendibility and independence of
     development, the secure services provided by WTS @{HTTPSec} must be
     orthogonal to and independent of other services provided by HTTP.
     In accordance with the layered model of network protocols,
     WTS @{HTTPSec} must be:
      o independent of the content or nature of data objects being
        <Allan: reword/add?> 
      o implementable over a variety of connection schemes and
        underlying transport protocols
[Slide 9:  HTTPSec changed to WTS, marked as @{}.]

   8. Multiple Mechanisms
     WTS @{HTTPSec} must be compatible with multiple mechanisms for
     authentication and encryption.  Support for multiple mechanisms
     is required for a number of reasons:
      o Accommodation of variations in site policies, including those
        due to external restrictions on the availability of
        cryptographic technologies.

      o Support for a variety of applications and gatewayed services.

      o Support for parallel implementations within and across
        administrative domains.

     To allow interoperability across domains, and to support the
     transition to new/upgraded mechanisms, WTS @{HTTPSec} should provide
     negotiation of authentication and encryption mechanisms.

[--I've updated this section--]
     [1] T. Berners-Lee, R. T. Fielding, and H. Frystyk Nielsen.
         "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0" Internet-Draft
         draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-03.txt>, September, 1995

     [2] G. Bossert, S. Cooper, W. Drummond.  "Requirements of Secure
         Object Transfer Protocols" Internet-Draft 
         draft-rutgers-sotp-requirements-00.txt>, March 1995.

     The revision history of this document can be located at


     This document is a product of the IETF WTS working group.  The working
     group uses the wts-wg@nsmx.rutgers.edu mailing list for discussion.

     Eric Rescorla of EIT <ekr@eit.com> provided valuable comments on an
     early draft of a document called "Requirements of Secure Object
     Transfer" [2], a principal influence on this document.
   Security Considerations
     As noted above.

   Author's Addresses

     Greg Bossert  -- bossert@corp.sgi.com
     Silicon Graphics, Inc. MS 15-7 
     2011 North Shoreline Blvd. 
     Mountain View, CA 94043-1389

     Simon Cooper  -- scooper@noc.rutgers.edu
     Walt Drummond -- drummond@noc.rutgers.edu
     Network Services, Telecommunications Division,
     Rutgers University Computing Services
     Hill Center, Brett Road, Bush Campus
     Piscataway, New Jersey 08855-0879 USA
     Voice: 908-445-TDNS
     Fax:   908-445-2968